New CA Radiography XSOP Exam

New ARRT Developed And Administered CA Radiography Supervisor & Operator Permit Exam (Last Update 6-December-2021)

For historical reference I am keeping the next paragraph to remember the chaos taking place at that time.

Big changes are coming for all licentiates who need a NEW CDPH-RHB Radiography X-Ray Supervisor and Operator Permit (XSOP). As of July 1, 2018, CDPH-RHB will no longer be developing and administering the Radiography XSOP exam. The RHB delegated XSOP testing responsibilities to the American Registry Of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT). The old familiar and FREE “Syllabus On Radiography Radiation Protection” that was the OLD exam study guide for decades (last edited in 2004) will be retired on June 30, 2018 and quoting the RHB: “because of changes in content references, should not be used as study material for the ARRT- developed examination.” New “content specifications” will be supplied by the ARRT beginning April 1, 2018 and online modules and directed readings helpful in preparing for the examination will be available FOR PURCHASE through the ASRT website beginning April 2, 2018. Exam questions will be authored by national panels and changed annually. The current non-refundable exam fee of $250.00 per exam will increase to $275.00 per exam. The current $127.00 application fee (reflects fee increase this past September) I believe remains the same. My gut feeling is that the whole exam process will become considerably more expensive and difficult. Plus, lately the RHB time to approve applications is 4+ weeks, and time to return exam results is 8+ weeks, so new applicants are up against the clock. If you want to take the “OLD/CURRENT” exam, you must pick an exam date before June 30, 2018. After July 1, 2018 with a big unknown factor, for better or for worse, you take the NEW exam.

The NEW CDPH-RHB Radiography X-Ray Supervisor & Operator Permit exam has been in place since July 1, 2018; over three years ago. Much of what I thought would come about has turned out to be correct. I could not have predicted that the breadth of material required on the new exam would be twice what was required on the old exam. You can read more about the process to obtain a NEW XSOP, and my new and improved prep course for that exam at the following link: CONTINUING EDUCATION COURSE DETAILS.

Here is a link to the applications page on the CDPH-RHB site:  Apps & FAQs    Information regarding the XSOP exam can be found here at CDPH-RHB: Certification FAQs